Real Estate Is All About Location…
Prominently Located In The Heart Of Bevely Hills Restaurant Strip
Deciding on which agent to use to sell your property is a difficult and often daunting experience.
Putting all of the information into perspective is critical.
The reason we prepared this checklist was to help our clients in this decision making process and to make sure that the most important factors are given due consideration.
Below are the minimum standards your agent should be providing;
Professional Photography
Feature listing on both and
E-brochures sent from both and
Prominent office location
Amazing Auction $145,000 Above Reserve – Click Here

Prominent advertisements in the St George Leader
Prominent advertisements in the Chinese Herald
A Chinese speaking salesperson on staff
Full colour brochures / magazine prepared for your property
Inclusion in the offices colour property guide
Professional signboards
Large professional display in their office window display
Multiple sales agents at each open house
Weekly meetings with written feedback providing information on all prospective
buyers who have inspected the property
Access to their full database of buyers
Accepting anything less than the above is settling for second best.
In the current market anyone can sell property. The key is not in just selling a property; it is making sure that the property is sold for THE HIGHEST PRICE POSSIBLE!
You only have one chance at selling your property, so make sure you give yourself the very best chance of success.